After the K-Dog sat me down for a tearful rebuke and stern lecture for failing to do my part in contributing to Superman Week, I'd like to apply for an extension and give the Man of Steel the week he deserves.It won't be quite the same, since Superman Returns is now in theaters. But with us celebrating a holiday (and most of us likely out of the office for at least half the week), I think it's still appropriate to celebrate one of the world's most recognizable pop culture icons for one more week.
And frankly, I like writing about Superman. As I've said before, I've written papers on the guy and the iconography he embodies. (And I'll never stop being amused at my comic book geekiness helping me through college.) I doubt I'll post those papers, since they're heavily footnoted, academic-style. But I definitely want to post an essay I almost submitted to a contest. And, of course, my review for Superman Returns, which I've already seen twice.
In the meantime, check out reviews from those bloggers who wrote about Superman, instead of writing about not writing about Superman: the aforementioned Kevin Antcliff and The Film Geek.
(And since we're talking about reviews, thoughts and prayers out to Roger Ebert, who's hospitalized following emergency surgery last night.)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Superman Week - Extended!
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