Thursday, April 07, 2005

Tip of the cap

©2005 NEA, Inc.

While watching the Yankees and Red Sox yesterday on ESPN (What the hell happened to you, Mariano Rivera?), it was brought to my attention that I owe the Red Sox a debt of gratitude. You see, their World Series victory last fall inspired me to start this blog, since I was sure the world would soon be ending. (Here's that very first entry. It's so young, so innocent. I had no idea what the @#$% I was doing. Some of you may think I still don't have a clue.)

So I tip my cap to you, Boston Red Sox. I raise a glass in your honor, as well. Thanks for inspiring me.

I just hope your fans can make it through this season. In yesterday's Boston Globe - before the victory over the Yankees - Dan Shaughnessy's column was titled "Still Too Early to Panic." Two games (losses) into the season. Gotta love that.